
The Mass is a two-part event, the second portion being the Liturgy of the Eucharist where we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, but the first (and equally important) portion is the Liturgy of the Word. In fact, all Catholic liturgies involve some form of public proclamation of Sacred Scripture, the Word of God.

This is why the ministry of Lector is so important.

Trained Lectors have the privilege of publicly proclaiming the Word of God at our Masses and other liturgical events. They are to boldly and clearly speak the Word in a manner which channels the Holy Spirit into the hearts of the people of God. This ministry is one of the most sacred of all liturgical roles that is open to lay people.

Training and certification are required prior to being scheduled to exercise the ministry. 

Once trained, you will be placed on the rotating schedule of the mass time of your choice.

Please contact the parish office to be part of the next training event (parish@stgabriel.net)