One of the great privileges of being fully initiated into the Catholic faith is being able to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. With this comes the great responsibility of bringing Christ to others in many ways, but none more public or precious as being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or EMHC.
EMHCs assist the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (bishops, priests and deacons) in bringing the Blessed Sacrament to the faithful, both during Mass itself as well as at other liturgies or to the sick or homebound.
Training to be an EMHC is required, but it is open to any fully initiated Catholic (someone who has been baptized, confirmed and made their first Holy Communion.)
The clergy of Saint Gabriel provide local trainings for new EMHCs, and the Office of Worship provides a periodic comprehensive two-night training that we ask every EMHC to attend one time, whenever it is offered. (These sessions are often held right here at St. Gabriel.)
Once trained, you will be placed on the rotating schedule of the mass time of your choice.
Contact the St. Gabriel parish office at if you are interested in becoming part of this sacred ministry!