Parish Rectory Building Project

Archbishop Fabre has tasked St. Gabriel with, and approved progression on, building a rectory that will allow for communal living for multiple priests, including our pastor, associate pastor and retired priests. We think of this project as a dorm-style concept, with individualized bedrooms and studies, in addition to a communal living and dining area for the priests. We will demolish the existing rectory at 5407 St. Gabriel Lane and build a 3500 square foot home that is both energy-efficient and handicap accessible — just 202 steps away from our Church. Having a two-car garage will  allow for quicker emergency runs to the sick and infirm, even in harsh weather. We will rent out at least one bedroom/study combination to priest(s) at other parishes that do not currently have enough rectory space.

Currently, we own the rectory at 5407 St. Gabriel Lane (two bed/1bath) where Fr. Jason Harris resides. We also rent a two bedroom, two bath apartment in Fern Creek for our associate pastor (position currently vacant). We expect to have an Associate Pastor by July 2025. We currently pay $1700/mo (rent and utilities) for the apartment, $20,400 annually, that we could save and reinvest in the project. The extra bedroom/study can be rented for up to $1250/mo , $15,000 annually in revenue. We have available $723,000 in profit from previous property sales, plus some accumulated savings to fund this project. 

Questions?  Want to help?     Email us

Donation checks can be made out to St. Gabriel Church with "Rectory- Construction" or "Rectory-Furnishings" in the memo line. Cash can be placed in an envelope marked "rectory project."





- Builders were invited to visit the site on Wednesday, December 18th.

- We are setting up inspection by Micro-analytics of the existing site in preparation for demolition

- We are confirming what insurance we need during the demolition.



- Renderings were mounted on display boards and will be available in the Church Gathering Space this weekend. Parish Council members will be in the Gathering Space this weekend to show parishioners the design plan and answer questions.

- A Request for Proposal was sent to builders this week. Interested builders are invited to view the property on December 18th.