2025 Stewardship Renewal

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Stewardship Commitment: Everything we have comes from a most generous God, a God who has entrusted to us the varied gifts of – families, friends, earthly goods, inborn and developing talents, intellectual skills, our very lives! Good stewards recognize these gifts, develop them, use them and share them, in justice, with others.  A significant way to share our gifts and put our faith into action is through a life lived in grateful usage of Time, Talent and Treasure. Find opportunities to give your time, talent and treasure that can benefit you and your St. Gabriel community!


Figure out what you care about.  If you’re passionate about singing or playing an instrument, consider joining our Music Ministry to participate in the weekly Mass celebration. We have over 100 different stewardship options for you to select. We encourage you to participate in at least two ministry areas each year. Remember, most organizations require youth volunteers under 12 to be accompanied by an adult.


Many people have talents and skills that can be helpful to our community.  Are you a plumber, electrician or engineer by trade?  Help us plan some capital projects for the campus.  Are you great at planning a party? Join our Summer Festival Planning Committee. Are you an athlete? Maybe you can help coach school-age children in our Sports Ministry. Let St. Gabriel reap the benefits of your natural talents. If you don’t know how to get involved, contact Amanda Wolz (awolz@stgabriel.net) at the Parish Office so we can help you find the right fit.


To set up your Stewardship of Treasure pledge, complete the following steps:

  1. Click here to complete your 2025 commitment card online
  2. If you opt to use electronic giving, access our online giving portal on this website: Click here for Online Giving
  3. If you would prefer to set up Auto Bank Withdrawal from your checking account, complete and return this form  Automatic Withdrawal Agreement Form
  4. If you opt to receive envelopes, the envelopes will be mailed to you every two months. Insert your cash or check in to the envelope and drop it in the Weekend collection basket, our Night Drop or mail it to the Parish Office.

Return your Commitment Cards in the weekly collection basket, by postal mail or email to parish@stgabriel.net
Parish Office Mailing Address:
St. Gabriel the Archangel
5505 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40291



2024 Stewardship Renewal Results


Accountability Statement: As the stakeholders and administrators of this nonprofit organization, we commit to being good stewards of the public trust, ensuring the resources of our organization are well protected and used efficiently to accomplish the missions for which our parish exists. We are also charged with making certain our management practices ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization.