Worship Committee

The Worship Committee is composed of coordinators from key ministries crucial to our liturgies including Music, Faith Formation, Sacristan, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, Art & Environment. Together, we unite to uphold the vision of St. Gabriel Parish and enrich the worship experience for our liturgical assembly.


Current Members

Fr. Jason Harris, Pastor

Stephen Bowling, Deacon

Eric Chu, Committee Lead

Kathy Abell

Nikki Lutz

Jennifer Streicher

Steve Bennett

Phil Miller

Melissa Gunter

Mark Hummel

Mark Thomas

Linda Lenhart


Duties and Responsibilities

  • Coordinate various ministries for our liturgies spanning daily and weekly Masses, funeral Masses, and other special events.
  • Our Worship Committee also reviews projects that involve the worship space.


Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Meeting Dates

Our meetings are typically held before Lent, Advent, and Fall.

  • October 1
  • February 4