We need you to get involved in the life of our church. There are many ways to get involved at St. Gabriel the Archangel. We have over 100 active ministry opportunities for you. Ministry Opportunities
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Mass Volunteers (lector, greeter, gift bearer, Eucharistic minister): We need 70 volunteers to conduct each Mass. This is a great way to meet new people and actively participate in your faith journey. To sign up to be a lector, greeter, usher, gift bearer or Eucharistic Minister, please contact Margaret Reinert in our Parish Office at mreinert@stgabriel.net or 502-239-5481 extension 304. We will set you up for our regular Mass volunteer rotation in our volunteer management portal Ministry Scheduler Pro.
Parish Council: We are actively seeking members of our Parish Council. To learn more about the criteria for membership please click here.