Did you know that the St. Gabriel parish family at any given moment includes nearly 100 people who are either sick or homebound and unable to get to Mass?
Part of our response as faithful Catholics is to take seriously Christ’s many commands, not the least of which comes from Matthew Chapter 25, “For I was ill, and you cared for me.”
At St. Gabriel we have a vibrant ministry which brings both Holy Communion and a friendly face to our many sick or homebound parishioners. Sometimes this is in the form of a family member who brings communion, but often it is a dedicated volunteer who makes regularly scheduled visits. We even have small groups, often married couples, who perform this service regularly at the several nursing homes in our area.
We are always in need of volunteers to serve in this ministry. All you need is a willing heart as we provide all the training and scheduling to work within your availabilities. Ask anyone who has participated in this ministry, the gifts we receive are always far greater that those we give!
If you are interested in becoming part of this sacred ministry, please contact the Homebound Coordinator through at parish@stgabriel.net or by phone at (502) 239-5481.