First Reconciliation & Communion

Typically, children who have been Baptized participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion for the first time in the 2nd grade. Students who attend St. Gabriel School are prepared for the Sacraments in the classroom. Those who do not attend St. Gabriel School must attend the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) on Sunday mornings to prepare for the Sacraments.  Please be aware that children in PREP should attend both 1st and 2nd grade PREP.  For more information about PREP, click here. Older children who are Baptized, but have not yet received 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion are prepared for the Sacraments separately, often individually.  For more information please contact Kathy Abell at or 239-5481 x312.

If your child has not been Baptized yet, click here for more information