Children's Faith Opportunities


Children’s Faith Formation

Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)

PREP Schedule

PREP is religious education and spiritual formation for children not currently enrolled in Catholic school OR for any child and family seeking additional religious education and spiritual formation.

Participants: PreK through 8th Grade:

  •     Grades 1-7 meet from 8:45-9:45 AM Sunday mornings
  •     Grade 8 meets from 7-8 PM Sunday Evenings

Participation in PREP is required in order to receive 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, and Confirmation for children not enrolled in St. Gabriel School. The Confirmation PREP program is a 2 year program including both 7th and 8th grade. Similarly, children are expected to participate in both 1st and 2nd grade PREP to prepare for 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion.
Registration for PREP is ongoing throughout the school year. 

If you have questions or schedule conflicts please contact Kathy Abell in the Parish Office at or 239-5481 x312.


Kid’s Called to Serve (KCTS)


Kids Called to Serve invites children of the St. Gabriel parish in grades K-8 to come together  and do something to improve their community. We believe that these short, kid-friendly acts of kindness will foster a love of philanthropy, build friendships, and be FUN!

We host about 8 events per year at various locations.

Up Next:

Check back here soon!

For more information, contact Kathy Abell at or 239-5481 x312.

Join our Facebook page here.